Whether you want to store the entire contents of your home or a box of files, we have a storage option that will work for you. Need help figuring out what size unit to rent? This might help...
5x10 (50 Sq. Ft.) This closet sized space is perfect for storing small furniture, boxes and seasonal decorations. Also great for businesses who want to store extra office supplies, files or seasonal items.
10x10 (100 Sq. Ft.) This average sized space will accommodate a one-bedroom apartment, washer, dryer and several boxes. Also a nice solution for seasonal garage items and outdoor furniture.
10x15 (150 Sq. Ft.) Ideal for a two-bedroom apartment, televisions, couches and tables.
10x20 (200 Sq. Ft.) Perfect for storing items from a small two- bedroom house including washers, dryers and refrigerators. Also great for single car storage.
10x30 (300 Sq. Ft.) Need to store all of your family's belongings until your new home is ready? This space will let you store your whole house! This space can easily hold the furnishings of an average sized 3-4 bedroom home, appliances, lawn equipment and boxes. This space is also great for those looking for a pull-through option to store a mid-size car or boat.
20x20 (400 Sq. Ft.) The king of storage units! With 400 Sq. Ft. of space, this will accommodate a 4-5 bedroom house and everything in it!. Also a nice size for contractors and equipment storage.
20x30 (600 Sq. Ft.) The king of storage units! With 600 Sq. Ft. of space, this will accommodate a 4-5 bedroom house and everything in it!. Also a nice size for contractors and equipment storage.